why we are so itchy

“Everyone has faults and there is a fine line in helping someone get through their indiscretions and chastising them for it. It's easier said than done for people to help each other rather than hurt, because some people might not even be aware that they are simply being a pain in the rear end versus being helpful.”
For some reason, it is common for people to pass judgment on others' relationships. Don’t like their relationship status? Just be happy it isn’t yours. If someone is happy and you simply don’t agree, do not offer your opinion if it wasn’t asked for.

Reasons why we are so itchy

1. We are so itchy because we think we know better.

2. We are so itchy because we are disconnected.

3. We are so itchy because we have nothing better to do.

4. We are so itchy because we are unhappy (A happy person is too busy being happy.)

5. We are so itchy because we feel unworthy.



By: Hassnain Amir (BMC 4A)(46)


